Narrative Sequence

Narrative Sequence Narrative photography is the idea that photographs can be used to create a story. Narrative sequence is when a series of images are put together into a column and make a story. Images below are examples of narrative sequence. Planning Shoot For my narrative sequence shoot I am going to use two people walking opposite ways through a corridor or down a path passing each other, one person being on the phone and the other person as they pass looks back at the girl/boy on the phone with confusion. I will capture my narrative sequence in black and white to help create a mysterious effect. My Narrative Sequence Below are my narrative sequences, I captured 6 images to then create a collage to show the story being told. I edited my images into Black and White in Photoshop just like the example above my images being black and white give my narrative a old fashioned, moody affect to my story unlike the collage thats in colour. I feel my narrative sequenc...