Tuesday Lesson 1 Darkroom


Today we went into the darkroom and produced pinhole photos as well as picture grams with the enlarger. Using the enlarger we created photograms using objects that light can travel through creating an image onto the photographic paper. We then went through the process of placing the photographic paper through chemicals to release the image. The chemicals go through a step to 1 minute to 10 seconds to 2 minutes and then 5 minutes of washing the chemicals off the paper, meaning it is safe to then hold.
  • Materials
The materials we used to make the photograms was photographic paper and an enlarger. The enlarger is a machine that creates the light through your chosen objects, capturing exposure for 10 seconds.
Another material that we used to create photograms were tongs to place our photographic paper into the chemicals releasing the image on the paper.
Making the pinholes we used a shoe box as the camera and then made the pinhole where we had the shutter so when you let light travel through the shutter for 30 seconds it captured your pinhole image.
  • Processes
To create my photogram we went through the process of setting the enlarger to 10 seconds to then placing the photographic paper into the first stage of chemicals for two minutes to the second stage for 10 seconds and then in the third set of chemicals for 1 minute. The last stage is then placing our photographic paper in the wash for 5 minutes where all the chemicals are washed off the paper for it safe to pick up with your hands. 
  • Technical Skills
After working in the darkroom I have learnt new skills, before doing the photography course I wasn't too sure on how to create a photogram, however after I did a practical lesson in the darkroom I am confident when making photograms and made many examples using objects from home that light can travel through. I also learnt new skills when it came to creating a pinhole photograph. I learnt that letting light into the pinhole for 10 seconds wasn't long enough to expose the light onto the photographic paper, however 30 seconds was the right about of time for the exposure to hit the photographic paper.

Below are my examples of picture grams:

 Here are two of my examples of pinhole photography:


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