The Decisive Moment - Henri Cartier-Bresson

The Decisive Moment

The image created by Henri Cartier-Bresson makes me feel very unpredictable on what is going to happen next with the man. The black and white filter creates the image feeling very ghostly and mysterious with the black silhouettes and in the background of men standing looking like grave stones.

What colours does the artist use? Why? How is colour organised?
Henri Cartier-Bresson has used the colours black and white. The reason he may of used the black and white colours is to create a ghostly atmosphere to his image. The black and white filter also creates the image looking unpredictable on whats going to happen. 
How does the work make you feel?
His work makes me feel unsure on whats going to happen next, theres thoughts he may fall over or the puddle is deeper than it looks. It also makes me feel spooked by the use of colours and reflections used. 


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