Pinhole Lumen Analysis

Pinhole Lumen Analysis

Lumen Pinhole is a type of photography that is taking photographs without a camera, the word pinhole means capturing images without a digital camera its all about capturing the image through a small hole in either a box or a can and letting light for a certain amount of time through the pinhole will expose light to the photographic paper. Below are examples of what Lumen pinholes look like, these are examples from some photographers.

For this project we were told to bring in an old can of drink for us to create our own pinhole lumen photography. The next step was to open the top of our can and pierce a needle size hold in the side of the can, we pierced the hole so light can be exposed to the paper I placed inside the can. I duck taped the top of the can so no light could enter and placed tape over the hole, which I didn't take off until I placed my can outside where it could capture the sunset and sunrise for three months. I placed my can outside Hawthorn on the gutter. Below is an image of my can and how it looks. I will keep my can tied to the gutter for three months to get the best result I can.  
My can so far has been set up on the gutter for under 3 months so far, this is a problem when it came to my deadline because my can hasn't been produced yet as I feel if I take the can dow now my image of the sunset wouldn't produce how most lumen pinholes look. I will take it down in a couple of weeks hoping my image has been created. I chose to leave the can up so it has stayed outside for the period of three months like it should so I can get a great outcome at the end of this instead of taking it down early for the decline and not having an image produced.

Final outcome:

My final outcome for my Luman pinhole wasn’t successful, this is because the constant change of weather where we had sun, rain and then a few days heavy snowfall my paper got wet which stopped the pinhole developing. I left my can out for three months hoping for a good outcome however when taking my photographic paper out the can and developing my image it never produced clearly creating an un successful pinhole. This is something I can improve on for next time so next time when I want to make a pinhole I know the steps I have to complete and hopefully next time a successful luman pinhole will be produced. 


  1. Sticking to deadlines is an important lesson for professional life outside of college. Not sticking to deadlines means that this part of the project is a fail. It may well be true that leaving for longer may produce a better result but this cannot be used as an excuse for missing a deadline


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